Leading By Example

I think leading or being a leader is often misunderstood. We think to lead means always being seen, being loud or outspoken, having a huge following, the list goes on. And while those things can be true it’s not always what defines a leader. I personally feel that leading is more about being an example of whatever it is you are wanting people to learn from you. In fact, I had something happen recently that is a perfect example of this!

I love contests and often enter online contests for random things. Several weeks ago I signed up for a contest (can’t remember exactly what it was) and I was not a winner. But I received an email about a bonus offer for a gift worth approximately $50 if I signed up for Platejoy. Now I had seen ads before for Platejoy and I thought it was another food delivery service so had ignored the ads and never checked them out. But when I got the special sign up offer I thought I’d at least take a look at their site. Much to my surprise, they are NOT a food delivery service but actually a meal planning service. Plus they give you grocery lists for shopping, can give you recipes for all types of diets or food allergies and they have a way of doing their meal planning to cut down on food waste.

I was super interested! I signed up for the free trial. When it was done with the trialI paid for the yearly membership, it was something like $60 and I was going to get my bonus gift of $50. It was a kitchen towel, candle, glass dish of some sort and a grocery coupon for $20 I think. Most likely I wasn’t going to use the coupon for grocery delivery but I loved the physical items I would receive!

A few days after paying my gift came, I was so excited! But when I opened it, it was an elephant mug (very cute though) and a small bag of tea (and I do love tea).

Stick with me, my point is coming very soon…

I emailed their customer service inquiring about the wrong bonus gift. Well, just yesterday I received the correct gift with a handwritten note (which people rarely do anymore)! They apologized for the mess up, said to keep the first gift sent, and gave me an extra gift of a chocolate bar! I was so thrilled. I went on to post on my social media channels about this example of amazing customer service done right! I feet so valued as a customer, the dollar value of all my gifts was more than what I actually paid for my year subscription. I do love their meal planning but I was even more impressed about the effort made to correct the mistake.

The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.
~John Wooden

Making Of A Raving Fan

This is a perfect situation of how they lead by example! Most businesses, especially online ones, need to follow this example. They created a raving fan out of me and now I want to tell everyone how great they are. They could have given me a credit or done something else and that would have been fine. But by the effort they made just for me, it has left a huge impression and these are the types of businesses that will stand out and succeed by creating blue oceans. Not familiar with this term, check out the book Blue Ocean Strategy. (this is my Amazon affiliate link)

I do want to point out that Platejoy uses a company called Gemnote to send their gifts so it was Gemnote that sent the wrong gift and then the note with the correct one. They both now stand out in my mind as great examples of leaders and how to lead. I am also thinking of using Gemnote to send client gifts. You can check them out here.

I want to leave you thinking about the following:

  • How can you lead by example in your business?
  • How can you do something to make a client or clients feel valued and important?
  • And if you’ve made a mistake recently, what can you do to go beyond and correct it?

If you want to check out Platejoy you can do so by clicking here. (you can save $20 by using my link, this is my referral link) If you want to check out Gemnote you can do so by clicking here. (this is not a referral link of any sort, just takes you to their site)


This is a topic that keeps coming up for me, connection! The following are some ways I am desiring more connection:

  • I am looking to connect more with my family (they live about 2.5 hours away).
  • More in-person connection, I have an online business and work from home. That can get lonely!
  • Connection with myself, taking the time to really feel and get clarity on what I want.
  • Building a community I can support through social media.

What about you, are you desiring the same?

If we aren’t connected on social media I invite you to join me!

Click here for my personal Facebook group.

Click here for my Facebook page.

If I can be of service in any way feel free to reach out! Email me at Sara@virtualbizpartner.com.