Q&A on How to Become a Virtual Assistant For me, the road to becoming a virtual assistant was not anything I intentionally planned, and I never said: “I want to become a virtual assistant.” I wasn’t happy at my job. I...
Top 5 Places To Find Clients When Virtual Assistants are getting started I am often asked, “Where do I find clients?” I am going to tell you my top 5 places for finding clients BUT please know, there are a...
Do You Want Your Business To Grow? If you answered yes, then you need to KEEP reading! One thing I love to do with you is sharing real, behind-the-scenes stories. I know there is a ton of value in learning...
Interact Is An Amazing Quiz Creation Software Having an online business, I am all about technology that makes running my business easier! And because I also love technology I am always trying new things out in my business. Within reason...
What Business Can Really Look Like: Since starting my business I've been on quite a journey. I would have never guessed when I first saw the word Virtual Assistant on Facebook back in 2011 that it would have led me...
Getting Started As A Virtual Assistant Earlier today I was asked a great question from someone in my Facebook group. I love answering questions :-) And I figured the answer could benefit many of you. I know some of you are...
Drawing Lines, It's Not What You Think! In the subject line of this post, I asked you if you are good at drawing a line? You likely thought I meant actually drawing, but it's not! Ok, now I am not...
None Of Us Got Where We Are Alone. I don't know about you but asking for help does not come easy for me! But in order to grow our business, it's necessary to ask for help. This can look different for...
3 Realistic Tips for Balancing Work and Family I want to welcome our guest blogger Raquel Wilson. She founded Peachtree Virtual Assistants in 2014 because she saw a growing need in the small business community. With so many businesses being...
Leading By Example I think leading or being a leader is often misunderstood. We think to lead means always being seen, being loud or outspoken, having a huge following, the list goes on. And while those things can be true...