Stop Always Putting Others' Needs First I want to give you an exercise that will help your business! And I learned this the REALLY hard way... Many of us naturally like to help others, and that's ok. But what happens...
The Top 5 Apps I Use For Productivity I’ve been running my business full-time since January of 2013, and during that time, I’ve made a lot of mistakes as well as done a lot right! One thing I’ve always worked...
Bloom Where You Are Planted I've been focusing lately on slowing down. This morning, I was sitting on my front porch drinking a cup of hot tea and glanced over at a planter I have outside. The sign on it...
VA and Kids: Tips for Virtual Assistants with Kids According to the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies, the average cost of daycare in the United States is nearly $1,000 per month. Include work clothing (that doesn’t...
Q&A on How to Become a Virtual Assistant For me, the road to becoming a virtual assistant was not anything I intentionally planned, and I never said: “I want to become a virtual assistant.” I wasn’t happy at my job. I...
Top 5 Places To Find Clients When Virtual Assistants are getting started I am often asked, “Where do I find clients?” I am going to tell you my top 5 places for finding clients BUT please know, there are a...
Do You Want Your Business To Grow? If you answered yes, then you need to KEEP reading! One thing I love to do with you is sharing real, behind-the-scenes stories. I know there is a ton of value in learning...
What Business Can Really Look Like: Since starting my business I've been on quite a journey. I would have never guessed when I first saw the word Virtual Assistant on Facebook back in 2011 that it would have led me...
Getting Started As A Virtual Assistant Earlier today I was asked a great question from someone in my Facebook group. I love answering questions :-) And I figured the answer could benefit many of you. I know some of you are...
Drawing Lines, It's Not What You Think! In the subject line of this post, I asked you if you are good at drawing a line? You likely thought I meant actually drawing, but it's not! Ok, now I am not...