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I am in a very interesting place in business and life right now. Lots of changes happening and the old Sara would have been freaking out!

But I am approaching things in a way I never have before. Rather than trying to figure out all the details to know exactly how things will work out (AKA control), I am letting go of it all and trusting I will get what I want and I don’t have to understand how it will happen.

Over the summer I had a vacation and it really helped me reset and refresh.

When is the last time you took a vacation or several days off just to have fun, relax and do what you want when you want?

For me it had been way too long, it had been 7 or 8 years since I took a real vacation. I’m talking about a vacation where you get away from home, don’t work at all, don’t respond to email – totally unplugged.

Why did it take me so long?

“It takes collaboration across a community to develop better skills for better lives.”
~ Jose Angel Gurria

What it comes down to is I was letting life control me. Sure, there are many things I can’t control but there are many I can.

Life isn’t always easy and starting and running a business can be difficult if you let it.

Catch what I said there? If YOU let it.

Even though there are things in life out of my control that are difficult, I have the power to face changes and difficulty with a different attitude. Admittedly,  I didn’t know any better at the time.

Recently, one of the students in my Virtual Assistant Training reached out with some things in her life that were keeping her stuck. I offered to jump on the phone with her and talk her through it. What I realized after the call is that many want to work from home and build a business that works, but you get stuck somewhere in the process.

In fact, many of you haven’t even started your business because you got stuck before you even started!

With all the changes happening now, the old Sara would let herself become stuck, but thanks to two awesome mentors, I’ve learned so much in the last few months that things will now play out totally different for me. Really I’ve been learning for a few years but it’s the last few months that have made the impact I needed!

Based on what I’ve learned, I know it’s time for me to help those of you that have been where I was: letting life control you, feeling stuck, not knowing what to do but desperately wanting more.

My business has been transforming the last several months and it still is. I don’t know what all the changes will be but I am excited and embracing the change.

What I do know is I will be starting to talk to you more about my story and journey. The lessons I have learned and how they shape my life and business. The thing is, a lot of it has more to do with my beliefs, fears, attitude, balance, and boundaries than my business.

In building a successful business, if you can’t get a handle on what holds you back (which almost always comes back to your fears, beliefs, and attitude), you will never be able to create the business you want! You will always have some sort of struggle happening.

Sure, you may have great success at times but it will be short-lived. I want you to have this success and happiness long term!

When I think about the impact I want to make, it’s not about how many of you I can help to build a 5 or 6-figure VA business but about how I can support each of YOU to create a business that serves you and your family so you all can live a life that makes you happy and fulfilled!

I would love to have you in my community, and I would love to be in your corner. My Facebook page is a place to get connected to others, ask questions, learn something new, and offers a safe space to learn. Come on over, check it out and follow me so I can support you!

I don’t want to just change your business, I want to change your life!

If you need more tips, I love posting about different tips and resources that I find helpful. Come over and like my Facebook page! I try to post something helpful multiple times a week, and other times, we just have fun. And I think everyone needs a little fun sprinkled into their lives!