What Business Can Really Look Like:
Since starting my business I’ve been on quite a journey. I would have never guessed when I first saw the word Virtual Assistant on Facebook back in 2011 that it would have led me here. But I am so glad it did. If you have been a part of the online business world for a while, you might have learned there are a lot of people promising you can have a 6-figure business. They often make it sound so easy to create the same success they have had. I’m here, not to make flashy promises, but to show you how you can create the business YOU want and be REAL about what it takes.
I am writing this is a result of a comment someone made in my Facebook group. It’s funny how such a small comment can have a big impact. Someone wrote this week, that what I am sharing is done in a way that is real and that they haven’t seen in other groups. I don’t know if this person thought much about it when she wrote it, but I sure did. It got me to thinking about interactions I have with people and so many of us, even me at times, want everything on the outside to look good to others. The reality is, that often times, we only talk about the good and not what it actually took to get to that place.
While this may not give you direct business advice, I want to share with you some mistakes I have made while building my business. I’ve also thrown in a couple good choices I made too!
Business is not always pretty.
~Sara Lingenfelter
5 Things I’ve Never Shared Until Now
Here are 5 behind the scenes things that happened to me. And some of these I’ve never talked about until now. If I was to tell the entire story on all these we would be here a while so I’ll just give you a brief summary of them for now but I am happy to share more details, you just need to ask me.
Curious why I shared these? Yes, I do want to be real with you all. But more than that I want you to know things happen, good and bad.
Can You Help Me Out?
It can be hard to ask for help but once you learn how it’s great! We need to support each other as much as we can. There is plenty of success to go around! Here’s what I want to ask you. I have a free guide that teaches women how they can start working from home as a Virtual Assistant. I’d love if you share this guide with a friend, on social media, or some other way. Any little bit helps!
My goal is to help moms build their empire. And that empire can look different for each of us. If I can support you somehow just hit reply and let me know in what way 🙂
Would live to share this story
You are welcome to share it 🙂