What's Your Ideal Business Schedule? Do you ever feel a little lost on where to get started with your business? Or maybe you have started but you aren't really happy with how things are going! Schedule? I have no schedule....
Stop Always Putting Others' Needs First I want to give you an exercise that will help your business! And I learned this the REALLY hard way... Many of us naturally like to help others, and that's ok. But what happens...
How a Daily Routine Increases Productivity I am sure by now you have heard someone somewhere talk about the importance of a daily routine. I used to think this was silly and blow it off. But...now that I have one,...
10 Ways to Say N-to-the-O As moms, we always have a long to-do list, don’t we? I know that most of the time, the LAST thing I need is to add something else to that list! It always seems to...
What My Week Really Looked Like For those that don't know my personal story, click here to read it. I just recently rewrote it! Yes, the page needs to be made prettier graphically but it's better done than perfect :-)...
Drawing Lines, It's Not What You Think! In the subject line of this post, I asked you if you are good at drawing a line? You likely thought I meant actually drawing, but it's not! Ok, now I am not...