What's Your Ideal Business Schedule? Do you ever feel a little lost on where to get started with your business? Or maybe you have started but you aren't really happy with how things are going! Schedule? I have no schedule....
Bloom Where You Are Planted I've been focusing lately on slowing down. This morning, I was sitting on my front porch drinking a cup of hot tea and glanced over at a planter I have outside. The sign on it...
Five things I do to stay focused “The only thing that is constant is change.” Heraclitus Isn’t that the truth! Whether it’s a change in seasons, changes in schedules, big life-altering changes, or just changing your socks, something is always...
What My Week Really Looked Like For those that don't know my personal story, click here to read it. I just recently rewrote it! Yes, the page needs to be made prettier graphically but it's better done than perfect :-)...
VA and Kids: Tips for Virtual Assistants with Kids According to the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies, the average cost of daycare in the United States is nearly $1,000 per month. Include work clothing (that doesn’t...
Getting Started As A Virtual Assistant Earlier today I was asked a great question from someone in my Facebook group. I love answering questions :-) And I figured the answer could benefit many of you. I know some of you are...
First Quarter Check-In Are you as excited about Spring as I am? I just love this time of year, plants are blooming, it's the perfect temperature for walking, it just makes me feel more energetic! This is also a good...