As a full-time single mom, I’m always looking for ways to improve my productivity and one way I have done this is by using apps for focus. I have an iPhone, but anyone can find these. I’ve tried out many...
Start Where You Are Happy Tuesday! I hope your week is off to a great start. I’m in my first month of exercising after major foot surgery. Nothing like having your tendon cut from a bone and anchored into another!...
Bloom Where You Are Planted I've been focusing lately on slowing down. This morning, I was sitting on my front porch drinking a cup of hot tea and glanced over at a planter I have outside. The sign on it...
Join My Community I am in a very interesting place in business and life right now. Lots of changes happening and the old Sara would have been freaking out! But I am approaching things in a way I never have...
What My Week Really Looked Like For those that don't know my personal story, click here to read it. I just recently rewrote it! Yes, the page needs to be made prettier graphically but it's better done than perfect :-)...
VA and Kids: Tips for Virtual Assistants with Kids According to the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies, the average cost of daycare in the United States is nearly $1,000 per month. Include work clothing (that doesn’t...
Top 5 Places To Find Clients When Virtual Assistants are getting started I am often asked, “Where do I find clients?” I am going to tell you my top 5 places for finding clients BUT please know, there are a...
What Business Can Really Look Like: Since starting my business I've been on quite a journey. I would have never guessed when I first saw the word Virtual Assistant on Facebook back in 2011 that it would have led me...
Reach Your Goals Personally And Professionally Through Education Wow, it was a busy summer that seemed to fly by and here we are now in October. Time is moving so fast, but with a business and family that seems to...